History of Studio 275:

John Bryans founded Studio 275 in 1985. The artistic leadership of the company changed in 2003 when Mr. Bryans handed the reins over to Judith Chapman, our present Artistic Director.

As an incorporated, not for profit organization with charitable status, Studio 275 has produced more than 150 theatre productions, most of which are Canadian plays. For the first 15 years of Mr. Bryans’ leadership the company produced only Canadian works. To celebrate the new millennium and the rapidly changing demographics of our Toronto community the Studio 275’s mandate was expanded to include works other than Canadian plays that celebrate all of our citizens. Today our work reflects the Canadian experience of our past as well as the history and sensibilities that new Canadians have brought to our country.

Play development has been a priority for Studio 275 from our inception. We believe that by developing and supporting our playwrights we can better tell our stories and share in the great diversity that Canada represents.

From our very beginning our physical home has been at 50 Bathurst Street in downtown Toronto.  For our first five years we rented the abandoned warehouse that we bought in 1990 and have renovated extensively. With the help of The Ontario Trillium Foundation and our wonderful supporters we were able to undertake a large upgrade giving us the wonderful home we have today.

The content of this website is a combination of reality and fiction. Each of the plays described are actual plays, are written by the authors credited, and they are accurately described. The dates, names of all other people associated with the productions, location, contact information, and sponsorship information are all fictitious.

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